I'm interested in drawing as a reflective activity and my own usage has been to bring deep things to the surface, to provide a creative response to my reading and reflection on scripture and sometimes a non-verbal vehicle of God's communication to me. Actually drawing is for me not really different to written journalling. Although some may have resistance to non-verbal communication and issues of faith experiences within the area of imagination, there is not issue if we do not restrict the transformation of our minds to a logical enterprise.
I've read books on prayer and drawing, and also books purely on drawing. I used self-help books on using visual journalling and found a number of works helpful but more recently this blog from Ramone has been interesting, placing things in a Christian setting. (read this)
Last year I found this in my daily reading Bread for the Journey from henrinouwen.org May 4, 2006 written originally by Henri Nouwen. I think this is an important route to understanding God's activity in our lives. I used this as part of a retreat I led last year called Tracing the hand of God.
Signposts on the Way to God
How do we know about God's love, God's generosity, God's kindness, God's forgiveness? Through our parents, our friends, our teachers, our pastors, our spouses, our children ... they all reveal God to us. But as we come to know them, we realise that each of them can reveal only a little bit of God. God's love is greater than theirs; God's goodness is greater than theirs; God's beauty is greater than theirs.
At first we may be disappointed in these people in our lives. For a while we thought that they would be able to give us all the love, goodness, and beauty we needed. But gradually we discover that they were all signposts on the way to God.