I must be perfect; otherwise Christianity is just a big flop, exposed as an elaborate hoax. The pressure is on and I must perform so that Christianity looks like a good buy. Matt Kleburg
I've been asked some amazing questions this last year. "Do all religious people care?" "Are you nice because you're a Christian or is that your personality?" It was a real struggle on each occasion to answer those questions honestly without misrepresentation. This last week in a study group I lead we came on the issue in another form Does living a life following Jesus mean everything will be easy? A blog entry brought me to the opening quotation however I can't paraphrase Matt Kleburg's words without reducing their power.
This assumption is the exact opposite of the gospel. It is anti-gospel. To say that my failures somehow discredit Christianity completely disregards the cross! What pride and hypocrisy! Out of death we are made alive in Christ and our new identities are not bound up in our own righteousness, but rather the righteousness of Christ. It is by His perfection that we are presented as spotless before the Father. And while the Spirit does begin its healing work on our hearts, it is forever the work of Jesus that makes us children of God. I no longer have to disguise my sin for fear of nullifying the gospel. The gospel, rather, nullifies my sin, and frees me up to live as though transparent. The world can see through me- can see that I am needy and that there is a savior who triumphs over my brokenness.What then is the role of Christians, others in community? From my readings I can only quote Henri Nouwen's Wounded Healer.
The leadership potential is not just a possibility to be actualized by a well-trained theologian, but the responsibility of every Christian. ... The paradox of Christian leadership is that the way out is the way in, that only by entering into communion with human suffering can relief be found.A conversation partner who is investigating the Christian faith and the spiritual life has been disillusioned by a taught classroom setting and inspired by a Christian discussion group and its struggles with being human. I am reminded of The Gospel in Solentiname by Ernesto Cardinale, which purports to be a record of Bible studies with real people. It certainly feels real when I read it as they argue and discussion what the gospel means in practice. Cardinale was a Roman Catholic priest who went on to be Minister of Culture in Nicaragua. Whether you like it or not, Liberational theology has a real challenge for everyone. What does the gospel or your spirituality mean in lived out life whether in the life of Christ or our lives?
And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. Isaiah 53:5