Two days of limited activity and the flu and I've already dropped 5 pounds. One of the advantages of Western good living means I have all this excess weight to live off when I get sick. But then again when you're sleeping a lot during the day as well as the night you don't eat that much. But my helping students still goes on.
A phone call tonight brought the need to understand conflict and conflict resolution. There are four types of conflict pseudo, content, value and ego. I'd never heard of these initially so a frantic search on the internet to understand what the question was. Pseudo conflict isn't really conflict at all, merely behaviour which irritates. While content conflict is frequently a disagreement over a fact which awaits confirmation. When we get to value conflicts we reach situations of difficult resolution because the opposing people have different values. Finally we reach ego conflict where conflict reaches its most personal though it still involves value conflict. It reaches a point where they cannot “agree to disagree!"
I suppose my conflict with the virus in my body has reached the ego stage, we cannot agree to disagree. I think I'm winning at the moment.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A shadow, not yet
7:54 PM
Labels: connectedness, knowledge