A lot of people interpret what they think God says. But the only time God actually speaks for himself is in the books of the prophets. That's what kind of interests me. I'm interested in the idea of separating God from religion. Sinéad O Connor
I've been listening to Sinéad O Connor's Theology. yes, both her CD and her thoughts. It's an unlikely name for a rock/folk double CD which resist categories by issuing 2 CDs with identical track listings but presenting very opposite styles for the same songs. The skin-head Irish rocker who is infamously remembered for tearing up a photo of Pope John Paul II on TV is in interesting territory. The songs are one woman's search for the meaning in life and strangely she is looking at the God of Israel. You might not like her theology, her politics, her lifestyle nor her cropped hair — but you cannot deny that it is a good place to start by searching for the heart of God by searching the pages of the Old Testament. I find 33 based on Psalm 33 offers interesting insights in a darker rock version form the London sessions and a warmer folk version from the Dublin sessions.
Sing oh you righteous to the lordThis CD set is not sweet syrup nor pure rebelliousness. But interestingly it is honest and frankly something filled with risk and therefore worth listening to. (Check out her myspace page)
It's right that the upright should acclaim him
Sing to Jah with your guitar
Turn up yer bass amp
Whack it up all the way to 'save him'
By the word of Jah heaven was made
By the breath of his mouth all its hosts
He gathers up the oceans like a mound
And stores the deep
Stores the deep in vaults
Sing him a new song
Sing sweet with shouts of joy
For the word of Jah is right
And he sees what is right
And he loves what is right
And the earth is full of his care
Jah spoke and it was
He commanded and it endured
He frustrates the plans of nations
And brings to nothing
The designs of people
Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone. Ps 33:22