This time of year is crazy for everyone. But the problem is some people are just plain dangerous. Somehow the Christmas stresses have blurred people's ability to see properly.
Last night biking home around 5 pm I decided to take a back street route as the drivers on the main road were crazy! But they weren't any better. On this one way street I got in the correct position for a left turn but an SUV driver overtook me and cut right across the front of me. I still have no idea why I wasn't hit! I have a feeling my guardian angel was extra vigilant. The strangest thing was my heart wasn't beating fast and the adrenaline wasn't flowing. What ever happened to Peace on Earth? There is something very wrong.
Today I was fully prepared to ride downtown and got as far as the front door with my bike bag, when I heard my young friend Carny say be careful. Except I was going downtown to meet and have lunch with her, but that is what she has said almost every Monday evening after English class. Today the snow was falling, and we were due perhaps for freezing rain and later rain. Still Carny's words had exceptional meaning for me and I went back in, packed a backpack and walked to the subway station.
The angel of the LORD asked him, "Why have you beaten your donkey these three times? I have come here to oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me. Num 22:32
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
juggling too many things
7:57 AM
Labels: God's hand, spiritual senses