There they are. Quite beautiful but sufficient to confine me to bed and the washroom for 36 hours. Monday night I came home and felt quite ill and during the night I was so. Tuesday was up and down and drinking small amounts of fluid. Then wednesday afternoon everything was calm and I could begin to sleep longer than 45 minutes and also flat instead of propped up. Yesterday I felt fragile and a little hungry so I ate a little soup, and congee and risked a cereal bar. Today I'll try and eat some real food again - I feel OK.
I posted a 12 days ago about shalom and peace and the concept of right functioning in creation. I wonder, if everything were functioning in a state of shalom then the rotavirus would not have struck me down, because my body's natural defences would have dealt with it immediately destroying it? Or perhaps, because the viruses no longer infect my cells or no longer exist? Maybe I'm pondering things in the wrong direction perhaps my body was in a state of shalom functioning as it should in an imperfect world.
(btw Tuesday's posting was something I wrote over the weekend!)
Friday, January 18, 2008
sick, sick, sick,
10:18 AM
Labels: peace, what's the question?