This is a fake Ferrari P4 made in Thailand. It makes me ask what possess someone to buy an under-powered fake, made in a back street factory in Thailand. Image only goes so far, because it doesn't drive like one and certainly isn't reliable or safe. One test drive would reveal it as lacking and fake.
Years ago my friends Caroline and Nigel got married and while they were on honeymoon I got to babysit Caroline's new cello. About a year old and a winner in competition I expected great things from it. As a cellist, I got to compare the sound and playability of my own battered 1913 French Hawkes with this new winning instrument. But in the playing I realized that my cracked scarred beauty (see earlier post here) and the great new instrument were comparable.
How about your spiritual practices? I've tried most of the classical spiritual disciplines over the years. The easiest I have kept as part of my regular practice and the difficult ones I occasionally try again. But you can only find the real by working at it. How do you find the real life? Well you find truth and reality in the living out of life with the disciplines, i.e. instead of keeping them separate, they form your life.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
fake and fakery
10:20 AM
Labels: faith development, life, spiritual growth, what's the question?