I've stayed away from facebook and myspace and the social networking sites as I think I am already fragmented enough. See my earlier posting on Continuous Partial Attention here.
But I love google analytics because I'm tracking my 3 blogs and seeing where people are coming from (which country, town) using what browsers and operating systems, even from what networks! I can't tell who you are but I can see that people come back again and again to visit.
I write into open space, the great darkness of the internet. I've called it along with the phone "dark media" because you really can't see the others. Jacques Derrida, whose philosophy has influenced me, talks of communication like sending a postcard. You send it but you don't know whether it arrives. You don't know whether it even gets read and understood or not. A few people I know read what I write here, I don't know whether they understand or not. I suppose one day I'll open the comments section But my email accounts are already pretty busy and I want to spend more time away from the computer.
Anyhow I've found my blog listed on someone else's blogs of note. What's surprising I don't know who they are. There's traffic coming from their blog as well. Thanks Jade whoever you are, I hope there's meaning somewhere in here for you.
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Heb 13:2
Thursday, March 13, 2008
something strange
12:24 AM
Labels: connectedness, meaning, purpose, what's the question?