I had a new moment of understanding something I already knew. Reading this morning I came across this in my daily readings from Heartlight.
Prayer is more than asking. Prayer is more than praising. Prayer is more than thanking. Prayer is more than requesting or interceding or kneeling or humbling ourselves. Prayer is expecting that God wants us there, expecting that God hears us, and expecting that God will meet us in our prayer time and do what is best for us and those we love.One of my mentorees wrote this passionate comment in her email this week. " that we might live and be truly alive in & through His word...not to escape from reality or to gather facts we'll recycle in the shredder as we leave, but to more fully see reality of our world in His eyes, to know Him and His voice & ENJOY His presence."
The struggle is in our expectations, what God might do, that God might be interested in us and the detritus of our lives. That God might want to be involved, that God might change our vision and way of seeing.
In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3