Here's my new family. I found these nice little pots Japanese style in Dollarama and I transplanted all my jade plant cuttings. They're all a little floppy at the moment (hence the bamboo sticks) and I'm worried that they won't survive the re-pot.
I often find things come together when I least expect it. If you're an atheist then it's all chance, agnostic then probably something to do with probabilities, psychologist then synchronicity and well Christian then it's providence.
I look at them as a moment of grace, I'd been thinking and looking and then to find the suitable containers and looking a bit like an asian teacup and saucer. Hmmmh? What do you think?
With the squash plant a neighbour left on my porch growing in the front flowerbed , and my collection of plants, oh that life could be this simple and utopian... Or maybe it's just a frame of mind?
Monday, June 30, 2008
9:34 PM
Labels: connectedness, life, peace, spiritual senses