I got the net ready and quickly snatched up the crab. ... I tried getting the crab out of the net. The crab’s strong claws gripped the net fiercely. Its other legs fought frantically, thereby tangling the crab more and more with each movement. ... The crab was so tangled, it began to look like it was wearing a green sweater.
Luckily, one of the grounds keepers walked by and noticed my struggle ... hang the crab, net and all, an inch or two over the water in the canal. I did as he said.
For a minute the crab didn’t move a muscle. Then the crab started to move. One leg free, then the next. Like magic, the crab attracted to his watery home, undid every knot and sling holding him in place. Then “plop” he dropped effortlessly into the water. Brad Isaac persistenceunlimited.com
Today I've had 2 quite deep conversations. The first, a new immigrant, is unable currently to practice his profession here. He kept talking about alternatives similar and total different. There has a lot of talk about salary and employability. He had a goal to pursue his orginal career but he kept losing sight of it in his insecurities. I felt he was stuck in a web or green sweater of his insecurities. Many of the options and short-term goals didn't seem to match or support his long-term goals and just led to more indecision. I asked what his goal was quite a few times. He struggled because he was wrapped up with all these choices.
Later another call and another stuck in her green sweater and needing to find release from her insecurities and also the world's/culture' dominant values of success and planning and knowing where you're going. She finally began to let go because her attraction to her home with God was stronger than hanging on to stress creating values. Not solved rather her eyes fixed on the right goal.
The matter is we ought not to become fixated on our green sweaters but more so on goals though perhaps I might rephrase that in spiritual terms our calling or our deep God-given desires. To carry on the clean up, besides grace,I need both a vision of freedom with God and the will-power to head off in that direction.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Day 14 and green sweaters
7:01 PM
Labels: openness, peace, spiritual growth, trust