Jesus came to bless us, not to curse us. But we must choose to receive that blessing and hand it on to others. Blessings and curses are always placed in front of us. We are free to choose. God says, Choose the blessings! Henri Nouwen Bread for the Journey
... all we know is what Jesus did. And perhaps what we need to know is what Jesus would have me do. Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, and told his disciples to do the same (John 13:14-15). Some Christians, in spite of shoes and changing culture, obey this literally (though more as a ceremony than an everyday act of hospitality). Helen Parry LICC
This morning all my daily readings collided together to support each other and yet also bring further to focus the thoughts of the last week. Hospitality is a blessing, even a grace, which is powerful as we pass it on. I've been frustrated because my untidiness is preventing hospitality at home and I still have to work on that. But this morning I am forced to realize that a willingness to spend time with someone far from home is also hospitality. Being available to listen to someone significantly different in age, race, or lifestyle is also hospitality and a way of blessing another and therefore a good work.
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8
Monday, September 8, 2008
Being a blessing
9:27 AM
Labels: meaning, spiritual growth, spiritual senses, virtues