My argument with so much psychoanalysis is the supreme conception that suffering is a mistake or a sign of weakness or a sign even of illness when in fact possibly the greatest truths we know have come out of people's suffering - That the problem is not to undo suffering or to wipe it off the face of the earth but to make it inform our lives Arthur Miller The Century of the Self Episode 2
Recently I got into challenging situation whether my belief we should never paper over or deny another person's pain is essentially correct. Also I think we should never substitute our situation for another's situation. My whole life is the recognition of my own weaknesses and struggles and periods of darkness that permit empathy and sympathy. Yet I will rarely share those periods with others in their struggles because the focus can become me and not them. I've gotten into trouble when others don't see things this way.
I've been watching The Century of the Self, a series of programs at Google Video which tracks the pervasive influence of Sigmund Freud, his daughter Anna and nephew Edward Bernays on propaganda, Public Relations, politics etc.This amazing quote from Arthur Miller, former husband of Marilyn Munroe, presented as part of the backlash against psychoanalysis as it appears she was receiving help from an analyst when she committed suicide.
The last 30 hours have been as emotionally tiring as the last week has been stressfully tiring. Thanksgiving meal for 60 plus people, then an outing using 8 vehicles for 39 people. Yesterday I met an old friend and his wife on the street and ended up stopping for tea and later an early dinner. An amazing catch up after 2 years or so. We talked a lot about the dark side of life - depression and suicide and also of hope and the presence of God. Then I spent time talking with my Auntie Mary working to ensure she will eat enough each day, then talking with my international who in suffering feels very alone and that suffering is meant to make her strong. But didn't realize that in weakness we are made strong in Christ. There were many tears. Then another long call about life direction and the courage to move forwards. Then later another call from a long lost friend seeking prayer for a troubled spirit wanting to be different in his response to life.
I don't know where Miller's understanding comes from but it is deep. Suffering reveals truth if only we can see it. Pain brings forth and reveals our need of God if we would only accept it. But of course the ultimate suffering is revealed in the Passion of Christ, who as the suffering servant reveals Truth. Not as anything abstract nor as anything conceptual but as something factual and relational.
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5
Monday, October 20, 2008
The greatest Truth
9:25 PM
Labels: life, love, meaning, spiritual senses