Are things really predictable? Odd situations can bring the unexpected. The Daily Telegraph records the incidence where a mouse fed to a viper as a meal instead killed the snake. There is a whole run of unusual stories, a heron which ate a rabbit, a leopard attacking a crocodiles, a seal catching and eating a duck, but the mouse is most unexpected. (read them here)
So good friends have been working in a shanty town and are very aware of expectations. They're taking a well earned break. and back into the Western world with its expectations or lack of them. The husband is a doctor and he has seen his share of miraculous healing when only prayer happened in a third world squalid setting but they're home. “As a doctor, I wanted to get right to the front to watch people as they came forward for prayer. ... One of the most common facial expressions is surprise as sceptics realise their pain really has gone away. Others just dance for joy as faith turns into experience.” He is a medical doctor and has examined the results.
I continue to be challenged in having disappointments in some places and encouragement in others and yet discouragement again and then another unexpected rides the rollercoaster and wonders about expectations.
Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matt 17:20
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sometimes the unpredictable
10:28 AM
Labels: faith development, God's hand, spiritual senses