My iMac kept switching itself off and then wouldn't switch on again. Panic! power supply or logic board and big money and huge inconvenience and not all the stuff backed up! Relief that much is now internet based and I have a few ghost accounts but man what am I going to do?
I called Euge and he wasn't available - PANIC and I wondered and prayed and calmed down. OK my little awkward netbook allows me to do basic things slowly! I found an Apple diagnostic webpage and took the iMac apart and followed the instructions. Everything worked with the internal switches and it powered up. THEN I saw the contacts on the back panel switch looked really dull and tarnished. I remembered Jeff told me about using an eraser to clean camera contacts so I dug out a plastic eraser on a pencil and cleaned them. Guess what? The computers working but I'm now frantically backing up files and data on to external drives.
I have a tendency to expect the worst, or at least no good news. We all need to learn to expect more but it's not easy. Our technological dependency and our technological built in obsolescence lead me into many alleys. Some good and others bad. My 20 year old electric piano sounds odd because sounds have improved. Then 5 years ago I got my synthesizer module but that never sounded quite right because the bottom octave and top 2 octaves were slightly out of tune! That being out of tune used to stress me and annoy me. Finally I bought a used piano synth card and the piano sounds much better and in tune. BUT now I found new motivation and also I've learned to use some of the voices in the module as well.
Panic and getting stressed or just being slightly annoyed doesn't help me or any of us but we still do it. Being open and willing to look carefully and listen and remember then somehow things get sorted out. All this applies equally to other aspect of my life and spirituality.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Panic, pause, think, look, observe, remember
10:32 AM
Labels: attentiveness, life, spiritual senses