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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Don't just look at appearances

In 'Britains Got Talent', the Brit equivalent of Canadian/American Idol or 'America's got talent', there's a new sensation and a shock. See it here. (I can't embed this video) The show was only broadcast April 11 2009!

This whole thing is challenging. Just from the first program of the new season she has sprung to fame and this youtube video has been seen over 16 million times in less than 5 days! There are a number of other versions out there totaling over 20 million viewings. It's not about looks but a voice and an ability to move people. Simon Callow does not compliment easily and its said Oprah Winfrey has already an invite to appear on her show.

"Indeed, a full range of emotion -- first humor, then shock, followed by warm appreciation and perhaps a dollop of self-reproof for anyone who dares to judge others principally by their appearance -- can be extracted from Boyle's seven-minute clip. And that is what makes her story perfect for the Internet, where short clips rule." Scott Collins LA Times
Inexplicably I am moved by her voice and ability to communicate, I am moved by her dream in the face of opposition, I was blessed by Youtube refusing to stream video content and only audio at first so I was spared a level of pre-judgment . But I too am moved in my heart to reconsider how I prejudge. What do you think?

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