This sketch of a young woman playing the cello is passionate and intense. Over the years my playing position has had to change. One year in the 1980's my normal week long annual cello playing holiday was extended to 10 days. On the 8th day my back and right shoulder finally complained and told me that enough was enough. I developed a problem with my latissimus dorsai a muscle running down and across the shoulder. (I later found out this is a common injury for professional cellists! It made me smile then!)
On day 8, I moved from years of playing seated on the front edge of the chair to sitting right on the back of the seat with my shoulders resting on the top of the back. Now wedged into the chair I moved to a more continental style. I believe I first came across it associated with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra but I'm not sure. In doing that I have lost some flexibility but gained support.
More serious nowadays is my left arm/shoulder is no longer as strong as it was. Ideally the forearm is almost parallel with the floor thus offering both a vertical vibrato and a rotating vibrato. But the shoulders need to be exercised and muscles to be in good condition to maintain the correct playing position. This not the case at the moment.
There is for me a nostalgia, a desire to recover or return to my past pleasures and achievements but I know that is impossible. However I still desire something of the past but I realize that first of all I have to begin to work on my playing position for everything else to fall into place. Paul Tortellier's emphasis on good technique is important and can reduce ultimately the amount of rehearsal required. Oh for this young woman's flexibility and passion! Maybe what I long for is a good playing position, better strength, and good technique and the potential for good music.
I know that my spiritual life depends on the exercise of spiritual disciplines and these in turn affect my spiritual growth, but the disciplines do not as such constitute the spiritual life. They are the technique that allows life to come. As a musician it is to discover music in the act of playing, as a Christian it is to discover Christ in the act of praying.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Playing position
8:40 AM
Labels: music, spiritual growth, spirituality