Saturday saw a visit to Crawford Lake which is a glacial lake, a rare meromictic lake where layers of water do not intermix. The water is so oxygen deficient that little is able to live in the water and the lake being so deep preserves whatever falls into it.
This tree seemed to be making a statement to the environment around it. The forecast was for showers and on this cold cloudy day, next to this half dead lake, this tree seemed to be dancing its Fall shimmy, with a spiral of colour.
ThisThanksgiving time in 2003 was a difficult time as I've already said earlier. My bike had been stolen and I was offered a replacement. In 1986 mother, Ma passed away but I dreamt about her again in this difficult period. "I got a bike but it was sort of falling apart - the chain was rusty and broken into small sections of links ... I realise that I'm not going anywhere! ... now [in the dream] I own or have my own place - Ma is trying to sell the family home and looking for a buyer ... then she tells me she has one but she has to move out Monday!" I noted in my journal that this dream was different and significant, because normally I was trying to move out but here Ma is leaving and looking for a home with me.
This seemed to be so special given that life was being drawn from me and I found life, instead of moving away or being driven away, I decided to stay in a difficult situation. In my dream Ma wanted to sell up and move in with me. This tree reminds me so much of the life and comfort that comes from the memories of Ma and her values, compassion and wisdom, and the beauty that came with her long-sufferingness with and scars from racial prejudice. For me she has been very much the archetypical wounded healer offering colour in a difficult world.
Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. James 5:7-8
Monday, October 15, 2007
Waiting for rain
8:50 AM
Labels: dreams, from my journals, hope, Nouwen