I continue to be struck by the awesomeness of God.
I've been meditating on Psalm 103 for a few days now. The poetic paraphrase I've been using began "My soul is for your blessing". I struggled for a long while because it effectively states I exist or am made to be blessed, my purpose is to be blessed. Personally I find this is extremely difficult to accept! I fought with this idea for sometime and especially when the normal translations say "Bless the Lord, O my soul!"
But David Dickson in his commentary (published in the 1650s - yes 350 years ago) wrote:
In the prophet's stirring up of himself to praise God, learn[ed] 1. The sense of God's goodness to a believer is very blessedness felt, flowing from God, the fountain and cause of blessedness. 2. When a believer is satisfied with God's goodness, he cannot satisfy himself in the expression of his sense of it, or of his discharge of thankfulness for it; but stirreth up his own dull spirit to the work of praise. 3. In praising God special care is to be had of the sincerity of our heart and affections.
As I sat in silence this morning I felt the need to really draw a response and the image comes from this time. Words don't really express things sufficiently for me, this picture is closer. Yesterday I expressed this another way in my spiritual directors together meeting. It's like a analogy but similar to the feeling when you inflate a balloon with one breath, except its going in rather than coming out. All I can say is thank you God.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Heart's capacity
12:02 AM
Labels: art, drawing, from my journals, visual journalling