At the moment, life feels borderline of what I can manage. I'm trying to squeeze in at least 2 visits a week to my Auntie Mary's - bringing groceries, encouraging her to eat and do her own physio. This is on top of my Dmin studies, spiritual direction, student ministry, and campus chaplain responsibilities. Yet I'm still feeling some real satisfaction and real sense of the guiding hand of God. Both Bible studies yesterday seemed to be exactly for them: they scratched where they were all itching.
But at the moment I have a deep desire to make music again and I long to play the cello and am looking forward to an opportunity for a Good Friday service. Music has incredible power to touch and reach parts of the human psyche. It has that power to create community and bind people together when used well.
Friday, February 15, 2008
seems like more than you can manage
9:54 AM
Labels: God's hand, music, openness, spiritual senses