A fifth danger in the attractional-invitational strategy is that when believers try to “invite, entice, coerce, or otherwise lure the unchurched to become involved in church life,” it requires an unbeliever to “take the first step and cross a cultural boundary in order to connect with God.” (Ortlip, “The 7 Languages of Culture”) Jesus did not seek the lost in this way; Jesus always took the initiative to cross cultural barriers in order to reach people. He entered their world. He did not require them to enter His world. DaveDV at Missional Challenge (here)
I seem to be reading everywhere the same message, get out of the building and back in the street! I think we're suffering from a broken record cos no-one really wants to listen.
Wisdom calls aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the public squares; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out, in the gateways of the city she makes her speech: Proverbs 1:20-21
Saturday, March 8, 2008
The broken record
1:09 AM
Labels: community, connectedness, openness, what's the question?