In the culture of late modernity many churches adopted a corporate model for leadership, decision-making, and planning. Pastors became CEOs, elders (or deacons) transformed themselves into corporation directors, and top-down, vision-driven planning became the order of the day.... It is a sign of biblical-theological health that this paradigm is being questioned in the missional church movement. Dave Dunbar
Dave Dunbar in an article (here) has raised this and other points.
More and more I am surrounded by groups and organizations still buying into this modernist vision thinking it is Christian and Biblical! They talk of image and branding and mission statements etc. This is all twentieth century stuff and we live a post-everything era. A lot of people don't trust politicians, religious leaders, institutions, in fact any form of leadership. Well that lot of people are mainly outside the church and outside very good reasons. Phillip Yancey writes strongly in Soul Survivor, a must read for anyone frustrated with church, "I came to realize that the church had mixed in lies with truth." We all adulterate the gospel with our culture. But even more importantly who really trusts their company or their boss/CEO anymore? We're now used, taken advantage of, company profits and shareholders are more important than me as a person. Why are Christians around me adopting corporate culture? Why are we lagging behind adopting something that we already know really doesn't work and we don't trust!
Dave Dunbar goes further with this issue:-
The point is that missional churches need to cultivate what for many of us is a forgotten art–the ability to discern what God is up to in our world (or neighborhood). This is best accomplished in a community of believers who are able to listen prayerfully for what the Spirit is saying in Scripture, in and through the voice of the congregation, and in the specific context where the church is located.We all want things on our terms so we can control or manage them. So we can feel comfortable with them. Comfort is the operative word. We buy into McChurch whether it is Willowcreek or come other thing but we're in the wrong TV show. I think The Magic Schoolbus has better theology than The Apprentice.
Arnold: Please let this be a normal field trip. - All: With the Frizz? No way!It is a matter of being more and more attentive to God stepping out, taking chances making mistakes and having to deal with mess and things being untidy and not adopting a business control model. Lets get back to being children of God, rather than managers.
Miss Frizzle: Take chances, make mistakes, get messy.
This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?" God's Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what's coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance! We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with him, then we're certainly going to go through the good times with him! Romans 8:15 (The Message)