What does one do with a Sunday conflict of interest? Last Sunday was Pentecost and Mother's Day. Take a quick straw poll of people who went to church and find out what their service was about. Choosing one over another expresses a priority or choice is being made.
If you want to know the theology of a congregation look at what they are singing. If you want to know the theology of a church look at the attitude to the presence or absence of sacraments and which seasons of the church year are celebrated. Christmas and Easter What about the whole season of Advent or Lent? What about Pentecost? Ascension? Ash Wednesday? What is actually celebrated? Anniversaries? Birthdays? National Holidays? Thanksgiving? Sacraments and time given to them in the community? What are the sacraments or sometime known as ordinances? They are an outward sign, instituted by the church, that conveys an inward, spiritual grace through Christ. The main two are Baptism and the Eucharist/Holy Communion. Many Christians recognize parts or all of these seven Sacraments or Divine Mysteries or ordinances: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, ordination, confession, anointing of the sick, and marriage. Which do your community practice?
The Postmodern critique and specifically deconstruction asks us to look at not what is there but what isn't there because it's absence is significant and says more than what is actually included. Thus the absent is actually made present because of its exclusion. Not being included because of ignorance of the option is one thing but not being included reveals values both conscious and unconscious. So what is your value system, your worldview, your theology?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
A Sunday Conflict
10:50 AM
Labels: community, knowledge, spiritual senses, spirituality