You can surf or search or use the labels to follow a thread of ideas. Imagine in some crazy way you are watching my thoughts evolve, seeing ideas become connected , or observing an amorphous cloud giving birth to sources of light and matter. Treat this place metaphorically as a place of unformed galaxies and planetary systems rather than merely as a diary.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dangers of reactionism

This narrow banding [of emergent church] often reduce emerging church to aesthetical styles, and pathological axiomatics, of locations and practices. There can be a regular mantra of ‘we have no programs, we are organic, missional, and are participatory’, whilst doing very little that is missional, and beyond therapy spaces for disillusioned Christians... Jason @ Deep Church

One of the issues I have felt with at least some people claiming to be emergent church is the expressed reactionism against something, someone, some style, or tradition. It seems to be Christians reacting against other Christians rather than getting out there and living a life worthy of the Gospel. In other words, words and no authenticity in living counterculturally, living incarnational lives, bring Christ to the world.

The dangers of the latest technology is it becomes a substitute for proficiency and authenticity. Having doesn't mean you can use it well or profitably. I was reading my weekly subscription LICC - Connecting With Culture - Collectors Cornered and was slightly convicted. Nigel Hopper wrote:-

I for one have to confess that I probably already own more CDs than I’ll ever have time to listen to, and have books on my shelves that I’ll never get around to reading, despite my best intentions. ... Has the acquisition of things, and the status that their ownership brings, become more important to us than any actual pleasure they impart?
We have the stuff but it gives no innocent joy or pleasure. Last week I got an email and followup phone call and popped over to friends. I had a little moment of Christmas. a few pieces of smoked salmon and a slice and a half of rich chocolate cake. Nigel notes "There’s nothing wrong, of course, in indulging our passions and enthusiasms. " The problem comes when we indulge and they lose their "innocence and humility". They become obsessive, guilt ridden and objects of pride.

Its not about change, rebelling against something, changing practices or method. It seems more and more about enjoying being with God in every situation every aspect of life. As I continue to try to clean up and get rid of things, its not about the having as such but the pleasure or joy or simple usage that comes form them. In having the cello its about becoming better so I can enjoy playing more and more. In the words of Nodame Cantabile character Kuroki "if we can perform well, we feel happy. If we can perform even better, won't we perhaps be able to enjoy it better as well? To aim higher is perhaps to enjoy music purely [as music]."

I need to get practicing!