It is generally believed that BSE, Mad Cow Disease, came cross species when sheep parts we fed to cattle in high protein feeds.
The current milk scandal continues to spread globally the World Health Organization on Friday warned the world to be alert for dairy products of Chinese origin that could be tainted. Now King Car Food Industrial Company of Taiwan has a product recall for 7 products under the Mr. Brown label. They have discovered their nondairy creamer is contaminated with melamine. Yes their mainland Chinese made milk-substitute product has melamine in it! Of course White Rabbit candy is also under caution but nondairy creamer should be milk free, shouldn't it?
Contamination is problem in spirituality. I tend to see new age as fusion spirituality or shopping basket spiritual practice. In an age of consumerism and fads it is not surprising syncretism creeps in. Caution is necessary as is self-consciousness. The uncritical adoption of spiritual practices from other faiths is not merely expressing a consumerist view point but also a form of colonialism. It does not respect another culture by plundering it for useful things to add to our spiritual practice. Somehow I am uncomfortable with things like the use of Tibetan prayer bowls in Christian spiritual practice. On the other hand, I am aware of the excesses of Western Modernity and rationalism which has turned faith into a cognitive process and the learning of good doctrine. Yet we still need to think things through and I remain quite concerned that many around do not question nor consider carefully what they are doing. frequently people follow trends whether cultural or simply other Christians are doing it.
Sabbath is not only about rest but also holiness and being set apart. It is about being different.
We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true—even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. Dear children, keep yourselves from idols. 1 John 5:20-21
Monday, September 29, 2008
Something fundamentally wrong
8:39 AM
Labels: life, sabbath as attitude, what's the question?, wisdom