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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Put Your Life on a Diet:

I live in a home of 140 square feet. ... Most people would say this is an impossible way to live, but the truth is, my transition to a simpler life has made me happier and healthier than I have ever be ... I find I still use about 2,000 square feet of space, just as I did in the past. The difference is that the other 1,860 square feet of living space—my office at work, the gym, the laundromat, restaurants—is not mine to maintain anymore. Gregory Paul Johnson (original here)

The danger of fill out my life physically, mentally, and with any form of activity is very real. Don't we long for simpler and happier and healthier lives. There's a lot of things to consider here. Perhaps we all need to reconsider the scale on which we live and what fills up our lives? I got to find time to reread Sider's Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger and Foster's Freedom of Simplicity. Life is too full of stuff.