You can surf or search or use the labels to follow a thread of ideas. Imagine in some crazy way you are watching my thoughts evolve, seeing ideas become connected , or observing an amorphous cloud giving birth to sources of light and matter. Treat this place metaphorically as a place of unformed galaxies and planetary systems rather than merely as a diary.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The National Gallery

I don't know whether I'll regret the action but I did it. We'd already walked through a lot of Canadian art works and went into the European section. There was a surprisingly good collection of French Impressionists and there it was on the wall. My favourite artist Vincent Van Gogh and one of his many Iris paintings and the perfect moment.

I took out of my coin purse a piece of aluminium foil and gave it to her. She thought it was a piece of chocolate but it wasn't. I've been working on this tagua nut carved ring for about 1 month and carved an iris adding a yellow zirconia in the centre. What the future holds I really don't know but my prayer, infact our prayers that God willing we'll come together soon and endeavour to spend our livres together until death do us part.
I knelt down by her watched, by security, in the shadow of the painting which now has special sigificance for us both. And she said yes without hesitation or pause for breath, twice.


Myles said...

A masterpiece:)
Our family's felicitations!

Brian J said...

This is good news.
I am pleased for you.

Keiko and Arata said...

We are so happy for you.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, TONY AND IRIS!!! I can't wait to celebrate together with you!

<3 Carny

Unknown said...

It was so nice to hear the news.
May God bless you and Iris more and bring her back Canada soon. Also wish Iris a peaceful and happy trip back Korea.

God bless,

mtnbiker404 said...

Hi Tony,

Congratulations. Hope everything is going well. Were you in Ottawa this past weekend? I was there the week before.

Later - Jeff

Anonymous said...

Well blow me over and shiver me timbers!!!
I'm flabbergasted!! I'll do a little caper just for you...

May the Lord Bless you both...

Paul and Irene