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Friday, November 13, 2009

Falling and being alone

Last night brought home one of the dangers of living alone, I slipped and fell down the stairs. I was seeing the Bible study group out of the apartment and my feet went from under me and I landed on my elbows and back/shoulder. Don't think anything is broken. I was so embarrassed that I pushed everyone out and went upstairs again to ice my elbows. I did feel a lot of pain but at that point I was alone. Thank God I had my cell phone in my pocket and I called for help. She was with me within half an hour.

Yes I'm OK. missing a layer of skin and bruises on both elbows, but OK. My back is sore again and have probably set back my recovery. I was a bit shocked and I fell right asleep later when I lay on my air mattress. (The loft bed being a little dangerous.) I'm resting today and sleeping trying to avoid doing anything stupid. I thank God for her.

1 comment:

divine.conspiracy said...

Ouch! sorry to hear that! Hope you're feeling better each day.