You can surf or search or use the labels to follow a thread of ideas. Imagine in some crazy way you are watching my thoughts evolve, seeing ideas become connected , or observing an amorphous cloud giving birth to sources of light and matter. Treat this place metaphorically as a place of unformed galaxies and planetary systems rather than merely as a diary.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Volunteers or co-workers

We actually pound into people that we’re not here to meet your needs but to serve the city. So we pound that into them, that we’re not a consumer place, that we’re not here to meet your needs but to serve the city. ... So no publicity, not at all hip, almost no use of technology, definitely consider it a worship service, do not do much in the way of pat answers and how-tos in the sermons but really have people wrestle with the issues—but we do it in such a way that the interests and aspirations and hopes and doubts of non-Christians are constantly addressed. Tim Keller

My dear friend Jen reintroduced me to Tim Keller after initial second-hand contact in 1989. She's radically attending his church as well as working there. I hope she likes the word radial! I've just read Jared at Gospel Driven Church who quotes an interview with Tim Keller at First Things. (Here)

I had a nice meal tonight and fun hanging out with people tonight but it was a "volunteers" night. I appreciate the appreciation and the efforts of those in leadership but perhaps a family celebration time would have been better. We come from a theology of the priesthood of all believers don't we? Perhaps this image of Geri Halliwell, Spice Girl, carrying a broken cello expresses my disquiet.

Being valued is important. But everything here comes from issues inside myself. At the moment I'm struggling with the term volunteers for those who work with me, alongside me in ministry. They are essential, they have gifts and abilities and resources I don't have. If I honour that we are trying to be a team then I need to change my understanding. I need to change my language to co-worker because I feel volunteer cheapens their commitment and role with working towards a common goal. I need to value their commentary, and ideas and God's calling in their lives. All I'm doing is giving them a focus for service.

Geri's cello is broken if you look closely at the place where the scroll should be. At the very top where the strings are close to the tuning pegs, the section is broken. The instrument in the main is intact but impossible to tune and fulfil its existence as a cello because it won't stay in tune. The head isn't where it should be!

For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building. 1 Cor 3:9