You can surf or search or use the labels to follow a thread of ideas. Imagine in some crazy way you are watching my thoughts evolve, seeing ideas become connected , or observing an amorphous cloud giving birth to sources of light and matter. Treat this place metaphorically as a place of unformed galaxies and planetary systems rather than merely as a diary.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Kino's Journey - closing thoughts and questions

Released in April 2003, this haunting animated series is based on a light novel by Keiichi Shigusawa. (It is rated PG because of some of its challenging content and some of the violence though not gratuitous. None of those scenes will be shown this weekend!)

At the conference we are using the dubbed English soundtrack however I feel the Japanese voice track with it’s own English translation in the subtitles is much stronger and sets a better tone, especially the voices chosen seem to fit better.

Kino’s Journey’s strength is its ability to present multiple points of view (POV). One of the psychological measures of spiritual growth is being able to see from alternative perspectives. Kino’s Journey offers good training.

  • The person who has lived / is living the situation (alternatively, it may provide more than one person's take on the situation). This POV presents an insider's view to the story. It usually illustrates the thoughts and emotions that the person experiences and what leads to a certain decision / final understanding.
  • Kino's POV presents the outsider's POV. Kino's views are those without attachment (a traveler just passing through). Kino usually provides a POV that’s different if not contrary to the person who has lived through / experienced the situation.
  • Hermes POV usually represents the questions or doubts that come to the mind of the viewer during a discussion / debate between Kino and the "natives of the land". Hermes presents a pessimistic if not fatalistic POV, usually jumping directly to the worst case scenario.( here credit for this observation goes to

A few questions arising specifically for a congregation or church

Episode 1 The Land of Visible Pain
What does koinonia/fellowship or Christian community look like? Is it possible to bear one another’s burdens and share each other’s pains?

Episode 10 A Tale of Mechanical Dolls
How do the roles and ministries in a church fit with calling for members in the communal life and ministry of a church? Does a need or a perceived lack constitute a calling to ministry? What are the differences between spiritual and natural talents?
How do we know if we should be doing this?

Episode 13 A Kind Land
In the context of 3 John, Demetrius and Diotrephes present contrasts almost as stark as Sakura who stays and Kino who leaves. What are the strengths and weaknesses to have a corporate traveler mentality for a congregation?